Friday, March 13, 2009

Plan B

You all are not going to believe this. My dr. is going out of town next week and so in keeping with the "no induction unless you're here" rule, we are rescheduled for the 24th. That's right, friends, the 24th!! I am so...well, I'm not sure what I am. It was very important to me not to let this baby get too large and my dr. agreed that it was dangerous. She even went as far as to say that she felt like delivering a big baby was just as dangerous as delivering a preemie due to high blood sugars, etc. It was one of the first things I discussed with her because whether or not she was willing to induce early was a 'dealbreaker' for me. ~sigh~ 
At the same time, I have to have faith. Faith that maybe Quinn is not ready and that she is being protected by The Great Protector. In the meantime, we wait!!


michelle said...

Did she ever tell you your actual due date? I would do EVERYTHING possible to naturally have this baby before then. Lots of walking and sex; seriously. Yes, I said it. Your other bloggers will get over it.

Jessica said...

Actual due date is the 23rd. I cannot tell you how badly I do not want to have another delivery like Seth was. It was so traumatic because he was so big and the recovery was long and painful. Bad. Bad. Bad.

I have heard sex, spicy food and castor oil the most. haha. The dr. DID tell me that the one thing she did not want me doing is the walking. I don't think I could anyway.