So, I went to the OB/GYN yesterday. I have been contracting like crazy so I was expecting her to be impressed at my progress since last week. Unfortunately, she wasn't. Ha. She said I was still at 2 cm. but while she was poking around, she decided to "sweep" my "membranes". Ouch. All I know is that it was painful and she was pleased that the pain brought about a fresh wave of contractions. She joked that the action should really start now. I'll leave out the gory details, but I went home wondering what on earth kind of damage she had done to me. Later in the evening, I was timing contractions anywhere between 4 and 10 minutes apart with serious back pain. You know, the kind that makes you say, "Is this it?"
Anyway, nothing ever came of it. I'm still contracting every 10ish minutes, but it hasn't gotten more painful. The plan was for me to call this morning at 6 to see if there was a spot for me in Labor and Delivery to induce today. Of course there wasn't. They told me to call back at 10 so now we are waiting until then. Actually, I'm waiting. Bobby is sleeping. ha. Lucky dog. I have too much adrenaline to sleep. How long can adrenaline keep you going? Can it last for three days because that's how much I need.
Some of you might be wondering how the boys are doing. I'll tell you briefly:
Seth's anxiety is eating at him. We can see it in the way he is acting out. The teacher in me knows that his misbehavior is because we're having a life change, but the mother in me just wants him to make things easier and do what we say! He is asking all sorts of strange questions that show his nervousness. Most of them start with "what if" and end with either Quinn or I dying or seriously hurt. Poor thing. He is excited though at the same time. He is so curious to know what she'll look like and assures me constantly of the things he can do to help. My sweet helper!
Zane is downright hilarious (as usual). He has been so opposed to talking about her the whole pregnancy. However, last week, I took him shopping to gather last minute baby things and look at sweet baby girl clothes. Something happened in that shopping trip and he took her for his own. He started picking out what would look "cute" on her and finding toys she might like. He hugs her (my belly) at night, he talks to her ("Oh Quinn, it's me, your big brother...are you awake?" and talks about what she'll be like when she gets here. Such a sweet turnaround.
So now we're doing what we've been doing all along...waiting. I probably won't post again until after, but you can follow Bobby's updates at http:/