Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The doctor doesn't seem to be as anxious as I am to have this baby girl!!
She is optimistic that 'baby girl' isn't as big as the boys were. Guess what that means...I get to carry her longer! (Sarcasm)
I did find out that I am dialated 1 (measly) centimeter and my cervix is soft. I suppose that's good considering I AM only 35 weeks along, but it felt like bad news...ha! Instead of talking about Week 38 as "D-Day", she started talking about Week 39. WHAT!? An extra week?! I mean, I should look at this positively, right? She IS trying to be careful with the health of my baby. Okay, I'll try. One good thing is that I'll have two weeks to get ready for her after the baby shower instead of just one. That's positive, eh?

On another note, Bobby called me yesterday and told me that someone who works at the church with him has a daughter due at around the same time I am. She is having a girl...I mean was having a girl until her doctor ordered an ultrasound and discovered her little girl is a boy!!! Can you imagine? Holy Moly. Think of all the stuff she had that was pink that no one will take back without a receipt. Yikes.


Nana Erin said...

I'm not going to lie, that makes me nervous. Let's just hope she's right!~

Jessica said...

I know!! I wanted to tell the doctor..."My children are deceitful! She's deceiving you....don't fall for the lie! She's already 8 pounds by now!!" HAHAHA.

michelle said...

she IS a girl; she IS a girl. Just tell yourself that over and over.

Anonymous said...

yikes! if we found out this one wasn't a girl we would be in trouble! there is so much pink in this house waiting for her to arrive! I agree...she is a girl, she is a girl! you look great! hang in there!

Stephanie Click said...

An extra week??? Is she crazy??? Doesn't she know you have friends that are ready to meet her???