Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear Quinn,

I have had a weird day today: back pain, irregular contractions, and being really uncomfortable with any physical activity (we're talking: walking). In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "No way...I'm only 36 weeks along, I'm not ready for labor yet, maybe my body is just 'getting ready', right?"

So I had a little talk with Baby Quinn and I think we are on the same page.

"Dear Quinn,

As anxious as we are to meet you, there are several reasons you just can't come yet. 

1. Some really neat friends and family have planned a baby shower for us this weekend and it would be rude of us not to show up.

2. Aunt Erin has prepaid for a plane ticket March 10th.

3. Mommy really wanted to have a haircut and her toenails done RIGHT BEFORE you got here so she wouldn't have to worry about that for several weeks once you are here. 

4. The boys have baseball practice tonight.

5. Mommy is most definitely not packed for the hospital!

Thanks for understanding!

p.s. I'll try to be ready for you on Sunday!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a day!!

What a day!! 
Bobby and I had plans to be taken out to lunch by his team at work. Very nice, eh? However, we were very surprised by a Surprise Baby Shower! How fun is that? His team is a special group of people and Bobby is very fortunate to be a part of such a great group. Here are some pics: (Notice that they decorated the shower with the colors from our chosen bedding. These talented people took the graphics from the bedding and made decorations, a card and a poster from it. Maybe there's a copyright issue somewhere in there, but I thought it was very clever!)

I also had a doctor appt. today. Good news! Baby girl has "dropped" and is ripe for induction! Dr. Gunn said that the baby is "right there" and that my cervix is "super, super soft". (I know, I know...TMI!) She seemed surprised at how much has changed in a week. She felt like the baby has grown significantly within that week even though I lost a pound...heehee! She has scheduled a date (YIPPEE!!) with the hospital for March 11 or 12. She said I would wake up March 11th and call the hospital. If they have too many people in labor or having emergencies, I'll have to wait until the 12th, but if they are open, I can come on in. That is 15 days from today...holy moly!!

P.S. It seems official...we're naming her Quinn Abigail Chandler  :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The doctor doesn't seem to be as anxious as I am to have this baby girl!!
She is optimistic that 'baby girl' isn't as big as the boys were. Guess what that means...I get to carry her longer! (Sarcasm)
I did find out that I am dialated 1 (measly) centimeter and my cervix is soft. I suppose that's good considering I AM only 35 weeks along, but it felt like bad news...ha! Instead of talking about Week 38 as "D-Day", she started talking about Week 39. WHAT!? An extra week?! I mean, I should look at this positively, right? She IS trying to be careful with the health of my baby. Okay, I'll try. One good thing is that I'll have two weeks to get ready for her after the baby shower instead of just one. That's positive, eh?

On another note, Bobby called me yesterday and told me that someone who works at the church with him has a daughter due at around the same time I am. She is having a girl...I mean was having a girl until her doctor ordered an ultrasound and discovered her little girl is a boy!!! Can you imagine? Holy Moly. Think of all the stuff she had that was pink that no one will take back without a receipt. Yikes.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Three more weeks...

Yikes! That's kind of a scary picture (mostly because of my face). Maybe I shouldn't even post it. Oh well, too late. I have no pride anymore. At least my hair is decent and the color of that shirt looks good on me~ the lady at Motherhood told me so. Anyway, thought I would post a belly shot and give you an update.

Most of you know, I'm that girl that actually enjoys being pregnant. I don't get morning sickness too bad and there's just so many neat things about being pregnant. However, these last few weeks are just not fun anymore. Can I get an "Amen"? I just am not capable of doing anything! The things I can do take FOREVER! Vacuuming? Forget about it...the last time I vacuumed, my hips hurt so BAD for a week! Grocery shopping? If I lift more than the milk, my abdominal muscles scream at me! Laundry is an ALL DAY affair only to be done with frequent heating pad breaks (not to be confused with coffee breaks). I need naps just to survive. I'm bored with limiting my caffeine, I don't care if the late night milkshake is not the most nutritious thing I can feed baby girl and I don't fit any of my clothes (so when you see that I'm wearing the same thing over and over, just think to yourself, "Poor girl" and smile). I actually have a pillow that fits in the small of my back that I refer to as my "BFF" and my heating pad truly is my BFF. The boys both know that Mama can't do anything anymore...Seth is sympathetic and helps so willingly...Zane on the other hand resents it. ha. He asks, "WHEN is that baby coming out?!" and it's not because he's anxious to meet her!

Now, I did say there were some neat things about being pregnant and here's one of them: Last night, baby girl was doing her nightly rolling around when Bobby decided to talk to her. He got up close and was chatting with her. I've told you before that she responds to him when he talks to her but this was different. It seemed like she was clawing/climbing to get to him. It was so very funny (and violent)!! We laughed and laughed and he continued to talk to her while she seemingly tried to get to him/find him. When he went back to what he was doing, she probably spent 20 minutes trying to find him again. Isn't that weird...I mean, neat?

I think I've said before that Bobby and I make really big babies. Seth's delivery was a nightmare at 9 pounds and 6 ounces. Zane's was a breeze at 7 pounds and 12 ounces, but he was induced two weeks early. My doctor is going to take this baby girl at least two weeks early which would put us inducing the week of March 8th. I have an appointment tomorrow and I fully expect the doctor to gasp in surprise and tell me she can't believe how BIG our baby girl is right now and whisk me off to the hospital to quickly and easily deliver a healthy baby. Okay, so maybe that won't happen, but maybe she'll be able to tell me something. I'll let you know. BTW, Bobby is thinking of trying to blog throughout the day of her delivery so stay tuned. No, he's not putting anything gross out there (is that what you were thinking?). Just know, like 'ooh, she's getting an epidural' or 'now we're playing backgammon and Jessica won' or just how things are going in general. Won't that be fun? For you, I mean, not really me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Blog Address

I'm just testing this blog out and learning how it differs from the other one.
Isn't this a sweet picture of the boys? They were actually being very difficult and roughhousing, but hey~ it looks sweet and isn't that what counts? Ha!

Be sure to comment so I'll know you made it from my old blog...If you don't have a blogger or google account, here's how to leave a comment: Under this paragraph, click on Comments. Select "Name/URL" under "Choose an identity" and go from there!