Monday, June 22, 2009

Zane and Seth-isms

Last week, I made Zane run errands with me while Seth and Quinn stayed home with my parents. Zane wasn't very happy about it so it was a quiet ride. (Ahhhhh!) After a few minutes, I guess he had gotten over it because he sighed, shook his head, looked out the window and said, "Mama, (pause) ... I was BORN to drive a car...."
I can't say that I'm surprised. Zane is our "wild card".


Recently, Seth asked me to open his can of Sprite for him. While I was opening it, he smiled and said, "It's like you're my butler, Mom, except I don't even have to pay you!!"

(REALLY?! Must be watching too much Batman.)


When I am REALLY thirsty, I tell Bobby that I want a "big-fat, nasty Coke". I have no idea how this started, but over time, I've shortened it to "fat-nasty". As in, "Get me a 'fat nasty' please." I thought this was our own personal joke until Zane came in from outside recently and said, "Mama, can I have a nasty apple juice?" HAHA. It took me a minute to realize what on earth he wanted.


This morning, Zane said to me, "Mama, I love you but I kinda love Daddy the most."
~sigh~ I suppose that's okay because maybe,... just maybe, I'll be the one by next week.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Today was Seth's last day of Kindergarten. Here are some pics of the final Kindergarten events:

Seth's Graduation:

Posing for daddy!
Family photo op!

Here comes trouble: Seth and his cousin, Kai.
Last day festivities:
Zane has become so much a part of the group, the little girl in the pink asked him to sign her yearbook..haha! He wasn't supposed to be at the party (strict no-sibling rules) but the teacher personally invited him the day before. He thinks he is big stuff!
Quinn TRIED to sleep through the party in her sling. She was all dressed up in her pink party tutu, but not in the party mood. The audacity of Kindergarten scheduling a party during her naptime! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

End of School Year

This is the last week of school for Seth. I will be so sad for Seth to leave his teacher. She has been the absolute best. We couldn't have picked anyone better for him!
Since I used to BE a teacher, I know that the end of the year is a good time to show appreciation for putting up with our kiddos for 10 whole months! Seth is fairly well behaved, but I know that kids are a hard job...even when they're your own! This brings us to the end-of-the-year gift. ~sigh~
What to get? Nothing too cliche' like a mug, NOTHING with apples on it (seriously, just because we majored in Elem. Ed. does not mean we love apples and country decor), and nothing too "cheap". I decided on something "fun". We did this for Seth's preschool teachers a few years back and it seemed to be a big hit. We filled a gift bag with summer essentials: chocolate :), a fresh colored nail polish, a "trashy" magazine, a Sonic gift certificate, sunscreen, etc. We'll also include a note from Seth and I telling her how much we loved having her.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hoop it up!!

So my sister, Erin came into town this weekend. She brought with her a weighted hula hoop. Seems like these weighted hula hoops are all the rage these days in the fitness world. Erin goes to a hoop group on Monday nights and has learned/is learning all kind of tricks with hers. "Hoop fever" can be quite contagious. We had so much fun playing with them in the backyard and as a bonus, they are supposed to work your core and whittle your waist. After such fun, I REALLY want one too!
Here's a video of Erin (showing off :) and Seth (Seth has been hooping in school and is quite good!).