Friday, May 22, 2009


It's hard to keep up with a blog and keep up with life right now! I am doing good these days to get Seth's lunch made, his clothes for school clean, both boys baseball uniforms clean and Bobby's dry cleaning ready!
Baseball season is ending and I haven't even really written much about it. I didn't get to go to very many games, but between my dad and Bobby, the boys have had a good time.
Quinn continues to grow. She had her two month shots this past Wednesday. She is starting to chunk up weighing in at 12 pounds! That puts her in the 50-75th percent range for her age.
Seth is finishing Kindergarten and we are so proud of him. His teacher told me yesterday that he only missed one question on the End of Year Math test. On the Reading test, Kindergartners don't test higher than a level 16 and he read that level as "easy". What a smart boy!
Here are some pics from the last month or so:

"Q" onesie by Macy, Bow by Jenifer at Love them both!!


Edwin said...

I LOVE the bottom pic! What a cutie!

michelle said...

LOVE the pictures!